Friday, February 11, 2011

Getting Started

In just about a month, I'll be stepping off of a plane in Dakar. And it honestly hasn't really set in yet. Despite the fact that my room is becoming full of all of the recommended PCV supplies that I've been buying (a really cool solar charger, a warm-weather sleeping bag, a rain jacket so thin it can fold to the size of a deck of cards, etc.), it still doesn't feel real. But ready or not, March is going to get here before I know it... so I guess it's time to get this blog going.

I wouldn't necessarily call myself superstitious... but I definitely do believe in jinx-ing yourself, and there was no way I was going to start a blog before I was officially invited to serve as a PCV. But luckily for me, there are a ton of volunteers who blogged throughout their entire application process, so I was able to track how long the process took for most people.

For anyone that comes across this blog that is currently in the grueling process of applying, here's my timeline:

  • I applied for Peace Corps in February, 2010
  • Interviewed in the beginning of April, 2010 (the wait was due to an insane snowstorm in DC)
  • Was nominated immediately after my interview to be a PCV in West Africa, leaving in March, 2011
  • Became medically cleared sometime around September, 2010
  • Finally received my invitation to serve in Senegal on December 18, 2010

    Although now I'm so excited and can't wait to begin my service; the application process was one of the most stressful and draining things I've ever been through. I thought applying and waiting to hear back from colleges was tough, but the Peace Corps application process was borderline evil.

    Now I'm just really wrapped up in getting all of my life together and trying to figure out how to fit two years worth of stuff into 2 suitcases and a backpack. 

    Hopefully I'll have an easy time using the internet over there and will be able to update this a lot. I can pretty much guarantee that I'll begin putting up wish lists of things for people to send over as soon as I get to Senegal and can scope out what I need, crave, forgot to pack, etc.

    Now I'm off to Target to hopefully find a cheap, waterproof watch.

    1 comment:

    1. Fae,
      I am looking forward to reading your blog regularly!
      I know you are really excited and I envy you!
